
A solution for digital hoarding.

I have a problem. I admit it. I have a problem deleting files. In the “good times”—vi&., when I have gigabytes to spare on my hard drive—I simply don’t bother deleting temporary files. That video I encoded/compressed to MPEG? Sure, I’ll keep the raw original! Why not? Just in case I ever need to re-encode it at a higher bitrate, you see.

Inevitably, I run low on disk space months later, at which point I’ve forgotten where all of those pesky large files are living.

Enter my script, which I simply call biggest. This script will conveniently print the $n$ biggest files that are rooted at a given directory. Here’s an example:

$ biggest 10
. [92MB]
|- art [15MB]
|  |- .svn [7MB]
|  |  `- text-base [7MB]
|  |     |- heat.png.svn-base [2MB]
|  |     `- SWATipaq.png.svn-base [2MB]
|  |
|  |- heat.png [2MB]
|  `- SWATipaq.png [2MB]
|- os [7MB]
|  `- os.pdf [3MB]
|- .svn [9MB]
|  `- text-base [9MB]
|     `- proposalpresentation.pdf.svn-base [8MB]
|- eas28@palm [14MB]
|- ESultanikPhDProposalPresentation.tar.gz [12MB]
|- APLTalk.pdf [9MB]
|- proposalpresentation.pdf [8MB]
`- proposalhandouts.pdf [7MB]

It is available on GitHub, here:

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